Widgets, Inc chilli chicken ~ food maker

chilli chicken

chilli chicken

active time 10 minutes

total time 50 minutes


3/4 kg chicken boneless


*  1 capsicum bell pepper
*  2 chilli green
*  1 tsp chilli red powder(or to taste)
*  2 tsp garlic
*  2 tsp ginger
*  1 onion large
*  1spring onion


*  3 tsp chilli sauce
*  1 tsp ginger garlic paste
*  3 soy sauce
*  1/2 tomato ketchup

baking & spices

*  1 cup all purpose flour maida
*  1 tsp black pepper powder
*  1/2 cup cornflour  cornstarch
*  1 tsp pepeer
*  1 tsp sugar

oil & vinegars

*  1 oil
*  2 tsp vineger
*  3 tsp butter
*  water


(1)  start by frying some chicken take chicken in a bowl
      add in flour cornflour salt pepper soy sauce ginger garlic
      paste and water mix well set aside for 10 mins

(2) heat some oil for deep fryng  drop the chicken in and
     fry till golden drain and set aside

(3) now make the sauce heat some butter in a pan add in
     ginger garlic and fry till golden

(4) add in onion green chillies salt and sugar toss well

(5) add in capsicum and mix well

(6) add in red chilli powder soy sauce chilli sauce
      vinegar ketchup and mix well

(7) add in water and cook till oil separates

(8) add in fried chicken and toss well

(9) add in pepper and spring onion mix well

(10) sarve well


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